Vitamin A Skin Science – A scientific Guide to Healthy Skin by Prof. Des Fernandes & Dr Ernst Eiselen – Ebook


The information in this book will change the way skin professionals treat and deal with skin problems. It is essential reading for Dermatologists, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Cosmetic Doctors and Nurses, Aesthetic Physicians, General Practitioners and Beauty Therapists.


Authors: Dr Desmond Fernandes and Dr Ernst Eiselen
Vitamin A Skin Science is the combined knowledge of two dedicated and experienced medical practitioners whose firm belief in the beneficial properties of Vitamin A and other anti-oxidants for the skin has led them to want to share this vital information with the world. It is the result of many years of intensive research in both the laboratory and private practice. The book lays out, in detail, how these humble, but critical substances can repair the skin, strengthen it and boost its immunity to disease.

The information in this book will change the way skin professionals treat and deal with skin problems. It is essential reading for Dermatologists, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Cosmetic Doctors and Nurses, Aesthetic Physicians, General Practitioners and Beauty Therapists.

Vitamin A Skin Science is a scholarly medical book based on the research of Dr Des Fernandes M.B. B.Ch.; F.R.C.S.(Edin) and Dr Ernst Esilen MBChB FRACGP into vitamin A skin therapy for healthy skin, including Dr Fernandes inventions and innovations in the field of skin care, procedures and surgery.

“Vitamin A rich skin does not get skin cancer”
Dr Des Fernandes

Dr Fernandes was voted one of the top ten plastic surgeons in the world by Insignia magazine

“The first and the last word on vitamin therapy for the skin comes from Dr Des Fernandes”
Dr Matthias Aust, Plastic Surgeon

“Every now and then someone comes along who changes the game forever. That’s what Dr Fernandes has done with his Vitamin A research. This is the work of a man who refused to let skin cancer have the final say.” Dr Theo Rousseau, Plastic Surgeon